
The Charming Month Of May

Веселый май одел кусты...

Robert Burns

Роберт Бёрнс

В переводе Маршака Самуила Яковлевича

Robert Burns - Роберт Бёрнс
25 января 1759 – 21 июля 1796

The Charming Month Of May
Tune – “Daintie Davie.” (1794)
Веселый май одел кусты...
 It was the charming month of May,
 When all the flow'rs were fresh and gay.
 One morning, by the break of day,
     The youthful, charming Chloe —
 From peaceful slumber she arose,
 Girt on her mantle and her hose,
 And o'er the flow'ry mead she goes —
     The youthful, charming Chloe.
 Веселый май одел кусты.
 Раскрылись свежие цветы.
 В лучах зари проснулась ты,
    Прелестнейшая Хлоя.

 Набросив плащ, надев чулки,
 Ты вышла к берегу реки,
 О как шаги твои легки,
    Прекраснейшая Хлоя.
 Chorus – Lovely was she by the dawn,
                    Youthful Chloe, charming Chloe,
                Tripping o'er the pearly lawn,
                    The youthful, charming Chloe.
 Ты, как утро, хороша,
 Чудо - Хлоя, прелесть - Хлоя.
 Шла ты лугом, не спеша,
    Чудеснейшая Хлоя.
 The feather'd people you might see
 Perch'd all around on every tree,
 In notes of sweetest melody
     They hail the charming Chloe;
 Till, painting gay the eastern skies,
 The glorious sun began to rise,
 Outrival'd by the radiant eyes
     Of youthful, charming Chloe.
         Lovely was she, &c.
Маршак Самуил Яковлевич

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